Subrosa Documentation

Welcome to the Subrosa Documentation!

What is Subrosa?

Subrosa is a data security platform for safe AI use, the key features it offers your oragnisation are:

  • The ability to visualise AI use across your fleet, including sanctioned and unsanctioned (Shadow AI) usage.

  • The ability to detect AI use regardless of the application in use, not just in web browsers.

  • The ability to define policies around what data can be sent to an AI provider.

  • The ability to enforce controls when policies are violated.

    • Blocking, Masking, Alerting or Allowing the given request

  • Rich reporting of policy compliance and overall usage trends.

Why should I use Subrosa?

By using Subrosa you will:

  • Gain visibility into AI use in your organisation, particularly shadow use you may not be aware of currently.

  • Have a framework to define how you want AI tools to see your data.

  • Enable your staff to more safely use AI while protecting your data boundaries by enforcing guardrails, making data loss less likely.

  • Provide straightforward reporting on use that can assist with compliance and other security reporting/visibility objectives.

How to start a Subrosa Trial?

Thinking about protecting your business data? Book a 15-min demo with Subrosa team.

What's New?


Last updated

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